Pre-Apprenticeship Code: UEE22020

Electrical Pre-Apprenticeship (PAiS)

MG 7502

UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) (PAiS)

This nationally accredited qualification is designed to provide participants with industry specific training to gain skills, knowledge and behaviours to enable transition into an indentured apprenticeship in the Electrotechnology Industry. The qualification covers competencies fulfilling the requirements of a work entry program and provides grounding in safety, opportunity to develop high level individual and team communication skills and the undertaking of work placement.

Course code


This qualification is typically delivered over the senior years. 


For information on fees for Electrical Pre-Apprenticeships, see our Course Fees Information Page

Course content

Pre-apprenticeships in schools are Certificate II programs that have been nominated by Western Australian industry training councils as valid pathways from school to a traditional trade apprenticeship. 

Benefits of pre-apprenticeships in schools

Successful applicants will be able to:

  • Undertake training while still completing their Western Australian Certificate of Education (WACE);
  • Have an industry endorsed pathway to a full time apprenticeship;
  • Receive credit for successful completion of units of competency; and receive VET credit transfer forwards the WACE

Be prepared for the energy sector environment

Completing this course can provide a range of career opportunities in the electrical, or electronics industries, and will provide learners with the following technical and professional skills:  

  • How to safely solve problems in extra-low voltage single-path and multiple-path DC circuits
  • Selecting the most appropriate materials for relevant Electrotechnology work
  • Participate in environmentally sustainable work practices
  • Effectively using relevant equipment, plant, and technologies, and understand how to dismantle, assemble and fabricate electrotechnology components.

The course also covers a General Safety Induction and the majority units needed for Stage 1A of an electrical apprenticeship.

Is the Cert II in Electrotechnology course right for you?

UEE22020 Certificate II in Electrotechnology (Career Start) prepares learners for a career start in the energy sector environment. If you possess great communication skills, an interest in problem solving, good hand-eye coordination and enjoy technical work, you could benefit from this course.

This certificate is part of the electrotechnology pre apprenticeship pathway that helps learners prepare for their electrical apprenticeship. It will equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary to build a strong foundation for a fulfilling career in the electrotechnology industry. Upon successful completion of the course, students may wish to complete the UEE30820 Certificate III In Electrotechnology Electrician to gain certification in electrotechnology.

Course requirements

Places for pre-apprenticeships in schools are limited.  When applying learners will be required to:

  • Be commencing year 11 or 12;
  • Have ‘C’ grade average at the end of year 10;
  • Have support from their school including endorsement of work readiness;
  • Undertake a literacy and numeracy pre-selection test administered by the College. The test is of a Year 11-12 level and is specific to transposition of formula, trigonometric ratio and algebra.
  • Applicants meeting the course requirements will be invited to attend an interview at the College, during which, suitability for course enrolment will be assessed
  • Meet specific industry licensing requirements; and
  • Meet Australian citizenship or visa requirements.

To be able to complete on the job work placement, students must possess an Electrician’s Training Licence, this will be organised by the College.

Fully enclosed shoes must be worn at all times in CET buildings. Safety boots/shoes and long sleeved-shirts and long pants must be worn when working in the workshop. For more information please see the learner handbook.

Prior to course commencement the student is required to review the ETI Learner Handbook found at Terms & Conditions/Policies page

Course materials

Applicants are recommended but not required to obtain the following resources prior to course commencement (available at both CET Campuses):

  • Electrical Principles for the Electrical Trade and Electrical Wiring Practice (Pethebridge & Neeson Pack)

Course breakdown

Core Units of Competency

Code Description Nominal Hours
CPCCWHS1001 Prepare to work safely in the construction industry 9
UEECD0007 Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace 18
UEECD0038 Provide solutions and report on routine electrotechnology problems 54
UEECD0046 Solve problems in single path circuits 36
UEECD0052 Use routine equipment/plant/technologies in an energy sector environment 36
UEECD0009 Carry out routine work activities in an energy sector environment 36
UEECD0021 Identify and select components, accessories and materials for energy sector work activities 18
UEERE0021 Provide basic sustainable energy solutions for energy reduction in residential premises 36

Elective Units

Code Description Group Points Nominal Hours
UEECD0019 Fabricate, assemble and dismantle utilities industry components B 40 36
UEECD0020 Fix and secure electrotechnology equipment B 20 18
UEEAS0004 Select electronic components for assembly B 20 18
UEECD0034 Produce routine tools/devices for carrying out energy sector work activities B 40 36
UEERL0001 Attach cords and plugs to electrical equipment for connection to a single phase 230 Volt supply B 20 18


No course dates have been scheduled. Please register your interest to find out more.

Certification & assessment

Graduates will be issued with a certificate and a record of results showing the units of competency completed. 

To  apply  please  refer  to  your  school  VET  Coordinator/School  Career  Advisor. Or for furtehr information, please contact your chosen campus.

Skills recognition

The CET Skills Recognition process benefits applicants who have undergone prior learning and recognises competencies obtained outside a formal educational or training environment, gained through life or work experience. Competencies currently held by applicants will be formally assessed against each applicable Unit of Competency and maybe recognised regardless of how, when and where they were achieved. Skills Recognition is an assessment process and a cost recovery charge will apply.  

CET accepts and provides credit to learners for units of competency and/or modules (unless licensing or regulatory requirements prevent this) where these are evidenced by either AQF certification documentation issued by any other RTO or AQF authorised issuing organisation or an authenticated VET transcript issued by the Registrar.

If you believe you are entitled to Skills Recognition, please contact an administration coordinator at your chosen campus.

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